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The Governing Body was reconstituted in September 2015 (in line with DfE regulations) and consists of 12 members and 3 Associate Members. The 4 Associate Members do not form part of the Instruments of Government.

  • Seven Foundation Governors

  • Two Parent Governors

  • One Head Teacher

  • One Staff Governor

  • One Local Authority Governor

  • Three Associate Members (No voting rights)

  • Nil co-opted Governors

The Governing Body follows the Instrument of Governance for voluntary aided schools in the Catholic Diocese of Lancaster and Cumbria County Council. The Governing Body is responsible for the governance of the school as a voluntary aided school, the employment of staff and the admission of pupils.


The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Rachel Jewell.  Please direct any correspondence to


The objectives of the Board of Governors of St Bernard’s Catholic High School are to focus on improving the School and monitoring its performance against agreed objectives, to include Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Leadership and Management, and Personal Development. The Governors meet for Full Governing Body (FGBs) meetings every half term in order to conduct their regular business, after the meetings of the committees have taken place where possible. Occasionally circumstances may require additional meetings or Extraordinary Full Governing Body (EFGBs) meetings.




Register of Business Interests / Declaration of Interests

Mr Phil Newby, Chair of Governors, is Chair of Young Enterprise South Cumbria Area Board.

Mrs Michelle Davies, Parent representative, CCC Scrutiny & Advisory Board, Children & Young People.



St Bernard’s Catholic High School currently has the Finance, Business and Staffing Committee, which meets three times a year. A brief synopsis of the remit of this committee and its terms of reference are outlined as follows:-

Finance, Buildings and Staffing - To advise and report to the Governing Body on financial strategy, policy and procedures, income and expenditure as compared with budget, and to receive, consider and present to the Governing Body, an approved annual estimate of the school’s budget, and revised forecasts as appropriate. Premises management, health and safety, security and risk assessments fall under the remit of this committee, as well as Human Resources including policy approval, staff structure, updates, and staff health and well-being.

Terms of Reference for the Finance, Buildings and Staffing Committee:-


Delegated: The Finance & Buildings Committee has the power to act on behalf of and make decisions for the full Governing Body in the areas identified below and will present progress reports through committee meeting minutes at the full Governing Body meetings held termly. The Chair of this committee works closely with the Business Manager, and maintains regular telephone and email contact throughout the year, supplemented by regular informal meetings when budgets, management and statutory accounts etc. are being prepared. The Head Teacher and Business Manager attend all meetings of this committee.


The responsibilities of the Finance, Buildings and General Purpose Committee are:

  • To advise the Governing Body on financial strategy and policy within the resources available

  • To receive, consider and present to the Governing Body, an approved annual estimate of the school’s budget, and revised forecasts as appropriate

  • To monitor the timely submission of grant applications and financial returns to the LA and DfE (where appropriate)

  • To advise the Governing Body on the application of the Individual Schools Budget and other payments made to the school in accordance with current legislation

  • To receive regular reports on the school’s income and expenditure as compared with budget, and report to the Governing Body

  • To keep under general review the personnel establishment of the school and to approve the financial limits for salaries and wages within the overall school budget

  • To advise the Governing Body on the provision of resources and services to the school and to undertake the setting up of contracts for services as determined by the Governing Body

  • To review the Financial Procedures Manual from time to time together with any related matters concerning administrative systems and related equipment

  • To monitor all financial controls

  • To oversee the operation of the School Budget/School Fund Accounts

  • To determine policy with regard to virement between budget headings

  • To review from time to time the Register of Governors’ business interests and to ensure its accuracy

  • The chair of the Finance, Buildings and Staffing Committee should be responsible for signing the annual accounts on behalf of the Governing Body

  • To ensure the school has a comprehensive insurance policy, to include premises, contents and public liability insurance

  • Assist in the preparation of how the school plans to maintain or improve their accommodation and grounds to provide a suitable, healthy and safe environment

Premises management should take into account a large range of issues which fall into three main categories:

  • Maintaining current premises so that they are fit for purpose

  • Making the best use of the premises

  • Planning necessary changes/improvement to the premises

  • Health & Safety

  • Working with school staff to review risk assessment procedures and documentation

  • Working with school staff to review and evaluate school security

  • Arrange and carry out Annual Health and Safety inspections

  • Human Resources

  • Staff Structure (including any Changes)

  • Staff Updates

  • Staff Health and Well Being

  • HR policy approval

This information is held within the school’s financial procedures document.


There are also the following meetings which take place once a year where Governor presence is required:-

Pay Review

Pay Appeals Panel (if required following the Pay Review Committee meeting)


Ad hoc committees are set up from time to time to deal with specific short-term issues, such as appointing a new Head Teacher, Disciplinary, Working Parties to review specific documents and Governing Body Exclusion Panels.

Membership of the school's committees for the academic year 2019-20 is as follows:-

Finance, Buildings and Staffing (7 Members) THIS COMMITTEE MEETS ONCE PER TERM

Mr Phil Newby (Chair)
Mrs Bernie Barnes
Mrs Sue Birkett
Mr Peter Croft
Mrs Becky Holmes
Mrs Maureen McKendry (SLT)
Mrs Louise Pucknell


Mr Phil Newby (Chair)
Mrs Sue Birkett
Mr Peter Croft
Miss Sue O’Neill


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