Joining St Bernard's
Since the first stone was laid in 1952, St Bernard’s has worked to build a strong community based on Christian values of love and respect that are as relevant today as they were when we first opened. These are the foundations of our community; the St Bernard’s family and we would like to welcome your child into that family for five years of exceptional academic education.
During their time at St Bernard’s, students forge friendships for life. As they leave, they do so as caring and confident individuals with many academic achievements and happy memories of their time at St Bernard’s.
We accept applications from parents who wish their child to have a faith-based education according to the criteria listed in our admissions policy which is available to download.
Admissions into Year 7
As a voluntary aided school, the governors are responsible for determining the admissions to the school each year.
We have an admission number of 170 and places are allocated according to the criteria published in our policy and also in the Cumbria County Council Document: “Transfer to Secondary School in Cumbria”. If the school is oversubscribed then the requests for places will be ranked in order of these published criteria and places offered up to the admission number of 170.
The deadline for applications to all Cumbria schools is 31st October 2024
You will be informed of your child’s Secondary School via Cumbria County Council on 1st March 2025
If you like to visit St Bernard's or discuss a place, in the first instance, please contact Mrs Peacock, the Headteacher's PA on 01229-814560 or by emailing rpeacock@stbernardsschool.uk