Lower School Uniform
All lower school (year 7, 8 and 9 students):
Blazer *
School tie*
Grey jumper (optional)*
Black shoes
Plain/dark school coat
Lower school girls:
Mid-grey skirt* or mid-grey trousers
Blue blouse*
White/grey socks or black tights
Lower school boys:
Blue shirt
Mid-grey trousers
Grey/black/dark socks
*These items can be purchased from Identity
Sacred Heart Presbytery has a 'Uniform Swap Shop'. You can select from a range of uniform items free of charge. You can also donate any uniform your child has outgrown.
Upper School Uniform
All upper school (year 10 & 11 students):
Blue school jumper *
School tie* (NB Prefects wear a different, blue tie with the school badge on)
Black shoes
Plain/dark school coat
Upper school girls:
Mid-grey skirt* or mid-grey trousers
Blue blouse*
White/grey socks or black tights
Upper school boys:
Blue shirt
Mid-grey trousers
Grey/black/dark socks
*These items can be purchased from Identity
Sacred Heart Presbytery has a 'Uniform Swap Shop'. You can select from a range of uniform items free of charge. You can also donate any uniform your child has outgrown.
PE Kit
Sports trainers
Maroon games socks*
Maroon shadow shorts*
Blue school sports t-shirt*
Either or both:
Maroon school hoodie*
Maroon school rugby top*
- highly recommended if students are aiming to be involved in boys rugby teams
School tracksuit bottoms*
- these are the only tracksuit bottoms that we allow for lessons -
School navy blue sports leggings*
- these are the only leggings that we allow for lessons
Additional safety items that students may need access to through the year:
Football boots
Shin guards
Gum shields
Sacred Heart Presbytery has a 'Uniform Swap Shop'. You can select from a range of uniform items free of charge. You can also donate any uniform your child has outgrown.